Mosquito pest control treatment

Mosquito control is a vital public-health practice throughout the world and especially in India because mosquitoes spread many diseases, such as malaria, dengue and chikungunya. The primary goal is to keep homes and families safe from mosquitoes.

The following methods are used for controlling mosquitoes.


Adult flying mosquitoes often rest in tall grass and shrubbery, but they cannot develop there. All mosquitoes need water to complete their life cycle. Some mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water where they hatch in just a day or two. Other mosquitoes may lay their eggs in old tires, tin cans, potted plants or other water-holding containers. The eggs may remain un-hatched for weeks or even months until they are covered with water.


Eliminating such mosquito breeding areas can be an extremely effective and permanent way to reduce mosquito populations without resorting to insecticides. We will advise the society about potential mosquito breeding sites during routine inspections that can then be acted upon by local facility management team.


In this treatment, we spray a colourless and odourless insecticide on the walls and other surfaces in the interiors. This insecticide is harmless for human beings. The mosquitoes sit on the wall, come in contact with the insecticide and die. This is a one-time service with expected efficacy of one month. The endophilic malaria vectors that rest inside the houses after taking a blood meal are killed when they come in contact with the insecticide and thus transmission of disease is prevented. Killing of adult female mosquitoes also results in a net reduction in mosquito population.


A larvicidal treatment kills mosquitoes before they mature.We control mosquito larvae by treating with mosquito larvicidal chemicals.We will advise the society about potential mosquito breeding sites during routine inspections that can then be acted upon by local facility management team. These are applied at potential mosquito breeding sites such as nallahs outside the complex. The recommended frequency of application is Weekly/Fortnightly/Monthly.


Fogging treatment for immediate relief against mosquitoes. Control of adult mosquitoes is the most familiar aspect of mosquito control. It is accomplished by ground-based applications or via aerial application of chemical pesticides such as thermal fogging. This is done primarily in outdoor areas. The frequency of the treatment depends of the intensity of the problem.

Service Offerings :

Annual Maintenance Contract

  • Mode of treatment and frequency will be decided on the severity of the problem, detected after inspection of our Technical executive. We provide services also for residential places or as per infestation.

  • For commercial area, frequency to be decided upon inspection.

Single Treatment

  • Frequency to be decided upon inspection.


  • Do not throw utensils, vessels, buckets, tyres, bottles, tender coconut shells etc. in the open. All such things should be cleared during the rainy season
  • Get rid of old tires, tin cans, buckets, drums, bottles or any water-holding containers
  • All tanks should be kept tightly closed.
  • Terraces and roofs should ideally have a slope and adequate drainage for water, particularly in places where monsoon tends to be heavy.
  • Fill in or drain any low places (puddles, ruts) in and around your home
  • Keep drains, ditches and culverts clean of weeds and trash so water will drain properly
  • Cover trash containers to keep out rain water
  • Repair leaky pipes and outdoor faucets
  • Empty plastic wading pool and store it indoors when not in use
  • Fill in tree rot holes and hollow stumps that hold water with sand or concrete
  • Change the water in birdbaths and plant pots or drip trays at least once a week
  • Keep grass cut short and well trimmed around the house
  • At construction sites, the layer of water on the surface of the concrete, used for concrete curing, should be cleared at least once a week. All other puddles should be cleared regularly. Collections of water in the toilets and closets under construction should also be cleared
  • Unused wells and tanks should be closed or destroyed. Wells that are being used and ornamental tanks can be treated with biological larvicides that do not harm the quality of drinking water. Also, these wells should be covered with either mosquito-proof nets or with plastic sheets.

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