Wood Borer

Wood-boring insects such as powder Post Beetles cause untold damage to furniture and other wooden articles. Infestations are characterized by a yellowish powder or frass, which falls from the tunnels excavated by the larvae and shot-holes, from which the adults emerge.
They are very destructive and reduce precious wood into dust. Wood borers are about 4mm long and dark brown to black in color. They spend their life in wood. And thus they live in their food.
They lay eggs in cracks / pores in wood. Life cycle of the insect is unlike animals or human beings. The egg hatch to become larva, then pupa and finally the adult.
The larva starts eating voraciously on wood. The powder or dust falling from the holes in the wood is the excreta of the borers and undigested cellulose of wood. The adults finally emerge by making tiny pin size holes. The life cycle of woodborers is about one year.


The technician uses a chemical injection to treat the affected area to terminate the underlying pests.
Most infestations can be controlled by FPC special injection & spraying methods using special chemical.
chemical treatment safeguards against future infestations.

Service offerings :

  • Residential- Single Treatment or repeat if necessary with in validity of 45 Days from first treatment
  • Annual contract services – Three service during the period of contract.
  • Commercial –
  • Annual Contract.
  • After inspection frequency to be decided.
  • Frequency may be available in three times per year
  • Single Treatment-Single Treatment or repeat if necessary with in validity of 30 Days.

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